Saturday, February 11, 2012

Six Ways to Reach the world with Christ.... part two


6 WAYS - PRAY from K H on Vimeo.

Video courtesy of OMF!

Prayer is cool. Anybody can do it. That's probably why we talk about it so much in the church that everyone's eyes roll and people say things like "can't I do more than just pray." But if prayer is foundational, and foudations are to mission what they are to buildings, it is pretty super cool that everyone can build foundations, is responsible for doing it, and equipped to make it work.

I get the disciples, saying "teach us to pray." We all think we're doing it wrong. But if the Holy Spirit is indeed interceding for us and with us, then there's grace to cover whatever we're doing wrong and to lift up whatever we're doing right.



  1. Lotta Christian bookstores aren't gonna like you wiping out half their inventory that way.

  2. Pity that.
    I'm often amused by some of the titles in Christian bookstores, particularly on prayer. My favorite, I mean seriously it makes me snicker just to think of it, is "Lord Teach Me to Pray, in 28 Days."
    I don't spend a lot of time in Christian bookstores. That may surprise some people. I find them questionable in many ways. (I have no use for Jesus nightlights and sloganized teeshirts bits of plastic, poorly writen books and music of like quality with equally poor theology, and cartoon saviors for Sunday school kidlets.)

    But between academia, homeschooling, and ministry I am singlehandedly keeping Christian Book Distributors solvent. Mmmm... fresh tasty books.
